Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fabulous Four!

Middle of July already?
We've had a fun month since the last post, and Mr. Coop is growing like a weed. He hit four months on Monday and weighed in at 15 lbs 3 oz. And, he been sleeping 7+ hours every night for the last 8-10 weeks. Yippee!

Cooper is really a very happy kid, and he's clearly benefitted from his momma's "smiley" genes. He loves going to "school" during the work week. And honestly . . . there really is nothing better than a big Cooper grin and a little "chat" in the morning or right after work. Coop's quite the charmer . . . note the crooked grin below.

We have had a few great visits with Granddad. Don't worry Coop . . . you will think that all that chaos at Cici's is just good, clean fun in no time.

Fireworks at the lake was a blast. We really thought that Cooper might be scared, but he really seemed to get a kick out of the noise and bright lights. Thanks to the the Paradise Bay gang for another great evening.

Cooper helped me celebrate big number 3-8 (ouch). Candles are truly fascinating! He also got me some bubbles which we all . . . especially Maggie . . . have enjoyed . . . in the house! Hee! Hee!

"Yes Cooper, boys CAN fly . . . but you certainly don't have to enjoy it!"

I'm very much behind on pics and will post another update very soon. Have a wonderful week!