Sunday, March 23, 2008

First Easter!

What a wonderful day for a first Easter! Easter won't occur on March 23 for another 152 years!
Cooper met his proud Corsicana grandfather, SF Herod. That "hook 'em", devil-horn thing makes all the good babies cry! Gig 'em Coop!

Bossman Mike Rand and his bride, Gwen, stopped by to say "Howdy Cooper".

Aunt Louise and Uncle Fenley made the trip from outside Huntsville. Thanks for the visit and the yummy Easter dinner!

This picture makes my eyes "sweat".


Unknown said...

Did bossman insult the Cooper and make him cry? Just wondering...

Amber, Brian, and Bryson said...

He is BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy your new little bundle of joy. Before you know it he will be turning a year old. Can't wait to meet him in person!

Lauren said...

Congratulations!! I just heard the news and we wanted to let you know how excited we are and how beautiful Cooper is!!!...Welcome to this wonderful world Cooper!
Lauren, Kevin and Parker Burch

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww! That last picture makes my eyes sweat, too!

"aunt-gramma" Penny

p.s. what's all that Aggie stuff on the side of your blog??