Saturday, March 15, 2008

Welcome Cooper Paul Clay

I apologize in advance for the lack of pictures.

At 20 inches, and 6 lbs - 14 oz, Mr. Cooper entered the world kicking and screaming at 4:21 PM Friday afternoon. For those of you that bet on a "girl" (and yes, I'm included), we were W-R-O-N-G.

We had to go the C-section route after 8 hours of labor. It proved to be a good call as Coop was facing the wrong direction. On his way out, he promptly threw a fist at the OB for pushing on his head throughout the afternoon. Atta boy! As always, Hotrod Holly was the biggest trooper during the whole ordeal. I'm so proud of her!

They're both doing very, very well. And, I really can't begin describe the emotional high that we're riding. As we Aggies have always struggled with explaining our Aggieland, "From the outside, it's hard to understand, and from the inside, it's hard to explain." Experiencing the birth of your offspring is so very similar. Our list of blessings is very, very long.

Pictures coming!


Unknown said...

Congrats Steve and Holly!

I can't wait for pictures.

Did you get to sleep in a chair at the hospital?

Anonymous said...

Amarillo family needs pics bro. Hope all is well and my nephew will be awesome like his uncle Wade

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Steve and Holly.
Pictures Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are all excited here in your home town.
Hope all is well. And Cooper doesn't have his days and nights mixed when you get home.
Love that sweetie for us.
Janet, Larry , Paxton and
Lucky dog