Friday, December 5, 2008

December . . . really?

Yes, it's true. December is upon us. I really miss the winters in God's Country (that's the Texas Panhandle for you non-believers). Not that I miss them, but a distinct change of seasons better synchronizes my mental calendar. My biological programming believes that falling leaves and a low 30°F overnight temps are more indicative of football season in early October . . . not 20 days until Christmas.

As always, I'm behind on the blog updates. I love making the posts and will continue to do so. But due to the volume of pictures, the blog really doesn't very well facilite viewing and distribution of piles of fun memories and silly moments. I hope to set up an online photo album before the year's end. On to the random fun!
Silliness with Mom and Bro in Plano!

We had an awesome Thanksgiving / early Christmas with the Huntsville gang. Thank you! Pics of Coop's raindeer outfit will come in very, very handy someday.

Hope to see you again sooner . . . rather than later! TGIF!

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