Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It just keeps getting better!

Despite the cold workweeks, we've luckily had some decent weekends lately. Cooper has always loved it outside. He even gets excited when we check the mail in the evenings. This summer is going to be so much fun!

He's now able to sit on his "trucks" and push himself around backwards. Bouncing on them looks painful, but he really has fun.

Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!!!
Holly, been thinking about you!
I'm reading the latest in the #1 Ladies Detective Agency that Tim got me for Christmas and reminiscing about the good old book club days! :) -Kara

D said...

My parents sent me your site, and what a cute little boy! I'm glad I finally get to see some pics of him after hearing about him. Also, here is my page...

Y'all take care!
Deanna (used to be Cradduck)!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I can't wait to get him in the pool this summer!

Has he tried worm appetizers yet?