Monday, August 10, 2009

Who stole our baby????

I believe our "baby" days are almost over. Coop's looking . . . and acting . . . more like a little boy every day!

He's definitely running, jabbering, and most recently, learning to drive a boat. Capt Dale . . . Thanks for the cruise on the "Nota-Lota-Yachta".

He's learning to climb to new heights although the fireplace hearth isn't very interesting once he's arrived.

He's ready to go with a moment's notice.

But nothing beats a cold one with Momma right before bed.

See you soon!


Unknown said...

You better not leave the car keys out!

D said...

He's so cute! Looks just like you!

Anonymous said...

Good looking kid! I found this in my old emails when I was cleaning up and forwarded it to Ernest and
Barry!!! What a treasure !

Aunt Judia