Sunday, March 30, 2008

Segunda semana de la Coop!

Second week of the Coop! And what a week it was! Cooper had his first bath, slept longer at night, and has found that 3 oz of formula makes a much better meal.

Speaking of the bath, he's not too sure why they're necessary. His spirits were much better prior to the introduction of water.

He's beginning to enjoy just hanging out with us! I believe that everyone needs a skinny, huggie monkey!

Cooper loves his Momma! Anyone see a "slight" resemblance?

"Hey Dad, we both have multiple chins!"

Cooper met - well, slept on - Ms. Ashley for the first time on Sunday. Ashley, we promise that he'll open his eyes next time.

Maggie the Dog says, "Come see me . . . ugggh, us!"

More foolishness will come!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

First Easter!

What a wonderful day for a first Easter! Easter won't occur on March 23 for another 152 years!
Cooper met his proud Corsicana grandfather, SF Herod. That "hook 'em", devil-horn thing makes all the good babies cry! Gig 'em Coop!

Bossman Mike Rand and his bride, Gwen, stopped by to say "Howdy Cooper".

Aunt Louise and Uncle Fenley made the trip from outside Huntsville. Thanks for the visit and the yummy Easter dinner!

This picture makes my eyes "sweat".

The Coop's First Week!

Has it really been a week? Changes are already evident. Here, he's practicing his monkey impersonation. We'll start working on the old clockwise / counterclockwise trick next week.

Upon arriving home from the hospital, Cooper got to spend some quality time with our awesome Aunt Neva. She and Cooper are quite the duo.

Cooper has met a few new friends this week. Ms. Meagan and Mr. Doug stopped by for a visit on Friday.

Cooper is already beginning to be a positive influence on others. Congratulations Mr. Doug for shredding your "youngest baby held" personal record by two whole weeks. How low can you go?

Cooper says, "Vibrating recliners with brightly-colored toys rock and make me sleepy!" And, you ladies don't understand the grown boys' fascination with recliners and remote controls???

Sometimes, silly captions are unnecessary.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Yes, we took pictures!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we're pleased to introduce Cooper Paul Clay!!!! He's toasting under the french fry warmer in the OR about 3 minutes after his first breath, scream, and thrown punch. He's not too happy, but I wouldn't be either.

Does this really look like a young lady that's just experienced 8 hours of labor and is currently being stitched back together? We don't call her Smiley Girl for nothing.

Coop taking his lungs for a test drive. Man, they're built for speed.

We are about 1 hour post op back in the L&D room. He's a keeper! What a ride!

Sure to be quite the ladies' man, he started picking up chicks on the way to the hospital room. We think it might have been his wildman locks!

The first is one very proud grandmother, Gloria Faye Herod. After her promotion, we call her "Gigi" now. The second is our wonderful Cuz Donna from Huntsville.

Rockin out with the I-pod in the plastic bassinet. Actually, it's a hearing test, but you know how quickly they grow up these days.
Are you sure you were the pumpkin in Momma's belly? We're absolutely awestruck by Mr. Cooper! Speaking for us both, we love our new job!

More to come!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Welcome Cooper Paul Clay

I apologize in advance for the lack of pictures.

At 20 inches, and 6 lbs - 14 oz, Mr. Cooper entered the world kicking and screaming at 4:21 PM Friday afternoon. For those of you that bet on a "girl" (and yes, I'm included), we were W-R-O-N-G.

We had to go the C-section route after 8 hours of labor. It proved to be a good call as Coop was facing the wrong direction. On his way out, he promptly threw a fist at the OB for pushing on his head throughout the afternoon. Atta boy! As always, Hotrod Holly was the biggest trooper during the whole ordeal. I'm so proud of her!

They're both doing very, very well. And, I really can't begin describe the emotional high that we're riding. As we Aggies have always struggled with explaining our Aggieland, "From the outside, it's hard to understand, and from the inside, it's hard to explain." Experiencing the birth of your offspring is so very similar. Our list of blessings is very, very long.

Pictures coming!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The night before . . . Walnut's arrival!

Holly and Walnut have been sandbagging for the last week. But tomorrow morning, we'll trek to the hospital for the birthday party. Walnut's arrival will be induced. Holly packed this evening, and I fixed a toilet. What memories to cherish!

Here's a "night before" shot of the preggo! Even with her most impressive protuberance, the tape measure just ticks me off. I guess that I'll always be taller too!

We're taking bets on Walnut's gender. I'm with "girl", Holly's with "boy". Vote early, vote often.

Be back with you shortly . . . .